First Att of the Runes Futhark. Runes starting from Fehu up to Wunjo. First stage of creation

Wunjo meaning

Wunjo is a Great and powerful rune. Wunjo‘s first meaning is wish, it’s even semantically reflated with German Wünschen to wish, wishes. Wunjo represents the power of will and of true wishes. So if you have a wish, you want to come true – use Wunjo


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Gebo meaning

Gebo traditional meaning is gift, the word gift is even derived from the Gebo rune. I’ve always seen Gebo as good sign in deviation, and was sure of great outcomes when I got Gebo rune for the question. But after this week I would not be so sure.


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Kenaz meaning

Kenaz is a Fire rune. And the fire here can have different interpretations. It is fire of creativity, new creations. According to the Northern mythology Fire together with Ice was the main element of the universe creation. So if you need some inspiration “fire” to create something new, in job or in personal life, Kenaz can help here.

Kenaz is also a cleansing fire and can have more negative meanings, but for me Kenaz week was mostly positive, a change for the better from Raido week.


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Raido meaning

Raido is usually associated with road, trips and traveling in a wider meaning as well as physical travel and riding car. This weak is the hardest to write, because I have seen the different side of Raido

Raido is also connected to rituals and rules. The Raido week was the hardest in runes circle so far. The complicated tasks at the job, and getting other’s task and responsibilities was the main events of the Raido week. It was not bad as negative but very nervous, uncomfortable and hard.


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Ansuz meaning

Ansuz is one of the most positive and powerful runes, as it is connected with gods and especially Odin. When I draw Ansuz to a question I know Odin is with me. The second Ansuz meaning is advice, and it is often advice from someone you respect or a ensign, a phrase, you’ve heard, but anyway the gods are speaking to you so listen to the advice.

Ansuz is also a breath and wind, the breath of Odin, or the gods’ breath. Breath can make the rune alive, give it power. So the quickest way to activate a rune is breath on it, calling to it. You can activate runes with blood or with a longer ritual, but if you need the power now and have only piece of paper and a pen, just draw the rune and breath into it. This way of activating runes also works great for the Runes Circle practice.


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Thurisaz meaning

Thurisaz is a breakthrough rune. It is often associated with gates, coming through to the new reality, new stage in life, doing something unthinkable before. I would agree that it is really very powerful rune, and it lets you push all the boundaries.


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Uruz meaning

Uruz rune

Uruz is a very powerful rune. It is often considered energy rune, connected with the wild Tur – the ancient and powerful animal. I expected lots of energy and feeling energetic and in good shape. But Uruz turned much more than that, and I think courage and daring that is supported by Uruz wild energy is main Uruz meaning. I got to travel first in two years with Uruz and though I’ve dreamed about the trip the decision was a last minute one, when I felt I can and want to do it now, no more logical arguments and excuses


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Fehu meaning

Fehu traditional meaning is kettle, and since kettle was a measure of wealth and trade, money in our time.

Fehu rune

Fehu Rune

So starting the Runes Circle with Fehu sets you up for a great week and you can expect lots of gains. But every rune is more complicated than that. I’ve made notes during my Fehu week and here I’ll share my finding and insights about Fehu meaning and it’s influence on life when used as one rune


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