Jera Meaning

Jera is the 12th rune of the Elder Futhark, it’s middle and a turning point. Jera is the rune connected with time and cycles, and Nature cycle itself. Its really powerful as it can influence one of the most mysterious matters – time. Jera’s place is opposite with Dagaz – the rune finishing the Elder Futhark and runes circle.


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Hagalaz meaning

Hagalaz rune often makes people afraid, especially those who are just starting working with runes. But for me Hagalaz is a really great, powerful rune, it’s a freedom and uncontrolled power of storm, nature and very witch energy. Hagalaz can be associated with power of our subconscious and sometimes even collective unconscious. Hagalaz represents a very ancient power and can break any barriers.


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Fehu meaning

Fehu traditional meaning is kettle, and since kettle was a measure of wealth and trade, money in our time.

Fehu rune

Fehu Rune

So starting the Runes Circle with Fehu sets you up for a great week and you can expect lots of gains. But every rune is more complicated than that. I’ve made notes during my Fehu week and here I’ll share my finding and insights about Fehu meaning and it’s influence on life when used as one rune


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