Gebo meaning

Gebo traditional meaning is gift, the word gift is even derived from the Gebo rune. I’ve always seen Gebo as good sign in deviation, and was sure of great outcomes when I got Gebo rune for the question. But after this week I would not be so sure.

Gebo is seen as a rune of gifts and partnership in most books. It can also be seen as balance of giving and receiving, as Gebo consists of two absolutely equal lines. It does not have reversed or mirrored positions. So maybe it also tells us that everything should be in balance and one sided system is never stable.

For me Gebo week was complicated, though not at work this time. The difficulties were mostly emotional and I would say that my feelings haven’t been in such turmoil since late teen & Uni time. I’m still not sure of what to make of it, but the work part was good and successful. There were a couple of times when I even saw some ‘gift’ events and then remembered about Gebo.

But Gebo week also brought unnecessary spending, and some disappointments and frustration. The disappointment in a long planned thing can be interpreted as a gift though, since it saved a lot of problems in future.

Gebo balance meaning can help us to find some balance inside, but it can also highlight all existing dis balances and problems.

Generally speaking, now close to the first Att finish of Runes circle, I see more and more that there’s no absolutely positive or negative runes. Each rune has a number of aspects and you never know what influences will a single rune have. Runes are very powerful, but single rune is hard to direct, and even when used right can have a number of extra, not expected outcomes.

Nonetheless Gebo helped me to see my strength, reminding of successful decisions and that my opinion can be the right one, and it is often right at least for me, but not only. In the end, my approach got chosen at work and I though I still have many doubts, I know I can make right decisions. And probably it’s the biggest Gebo gift.