Wunjo meaning

Wunjo is a Great and powerful rune. Wunjo‘s first meaning is wish, it’s even semantically reflated with German Wünschen to wish, wishes. Wunjo represents the power of will and of true wishes. So if you have a wish, you want to come true – use Wunjo

Wunjo can make the wish to come true, but it doesn’t mean just dreaming is enough. Here we talk about different kind of wish – the one, that is is often called true will, meaning intent, strong will and determination. It is powerful and magical.

Wunjo can also show you your true wish if you can not find it. If you really want something but can not find the right variant/ what exactly you want, Wunjo will show you.

It can be on a physical level, when you are not sure and can not find your dream home, as for me in the Wunjo week. And telling the truth it was rather far from the list of criteria I have, but the feeling was right and powerful, so you can be sure you would not miss it/mix with anything. I think finding what you wished for can be used in a broad sense and can help with a number of things, it’s just important to have a strong wish, not just necessity. Remember, you need to truly wish for something for Wunjo to work.

Another Wunjo meaning is happiness, holiday. I think it is connected with the first one, because we often are happy and celebrate when our wishes come true. The other thing is you have to work to get what you want, but can and should celebrate the achievement – fulfillment of your wish.

Wunjo week was great for me. I got to the new group ( project) at work, that has potential and sounds interesting. So, the week with Wunjo brought great news and was happy.

One other thing to remember, is one of Odin’s old names is Wodanaz and Odin is connected with Wunjo rune. So it is really powerful and magical one. It can help you in your Craft, in magical work and support those practicing magic. Use Wunjo to guide you in your practice no matter if you have experience or are just starting, it will give you inspiration and help in pursuing your true will.

Wunjo is the last rune of the first Att and it is associated with happy harvest before cold, autumn fruits. If you try to place runes circle on the calendar, Wunjo would be autumn happy harvests with Hagalaz being storm, and Isa – ice. It’s not exact calendar relation and there’s a number of theories as to Runes and calendar circle matches, but these are my associations. If we take Dagaz as Summer Solitice point and then starting new circle with Fehu, Wunjo would be the warm autumn harvest and abundance and autumn festives. There is Octoberfest in today’s Germany, but autumn festivals have much older roots and can be found in most cultures. Wunjo can be associated with them, celebrating harvest, often weddings before cold season.