Raido meaning

Raido is usually associated with road, trips and traveling in a wider meaning as well as physical travel and riding car. This weak is the hardest to write, because I have seen the different side of Raido

Raido is also connected to rituals and rules. The Raido week was the hardest in runes circle so far. The complicated tasks at the job, and getting other’s task and responsibilities was the main events of the Raido week. It was not bad as negative but very nervous, uncomfortable and hard.

Raido is usually used for the safe journey, especially combined with Algiz. After the Raido week I will think twice before using it, since Raido can add lots of unexpected work and complications, though Albizua could help with that.

Raido week also made feel very unsure of myself on one hand, but added to the long lasting thoughts I need to move from current place. Not sure if it could show the necessity of moving further by making current seemingly no problem situation more grim and uncomfortable. If yes, then moving Raido meaning has really manifested itself too. Maybe it is helpful in a long run, but don’t forget Raido journey can be far from pleasant.

Raido is also the way, road, not an outcome, so nothing finished in the Raido week, though some important things began.