Kenaz meaning

Kenaz is a Fire rune. And the fire here can have different interpretations. It is fire of creativity, new creations. According to the Northern mythology Fire together with Ice was the main element of the universe creation. So if you need some inspiration “fire” to create something new, in job or in personal life, Kenaz can help here.

Kenaz is also a cleansing fire and can have more negative meanings, but for me Kenaz week was mostly positive, a change for the better from Raido week.

Kenaz gave me inspiration and even more importantly self confidence to dive deeper into the work task. I managed to get some understanding in a totally new field. The issue has not resolved yet, but it moved and became far more doable. Kenaz gave me the energy and fire to do more, and though very active the week was mostly good.

But it’s important to not overuse Kenaz, I got tired by the end of the week, doing more than usual, and needed full rest on the weekend, even postponing some plans. But when the fire is needed, Kenaz is your torch!

The other Kenaz meaning is lighting the shadows, and clearing the uncertainties. It as a torch can light the things you didn’t want to see. It’s usually not a pleasant or easy to acknowledge, but always necessary to move further.