Ansuz meaning

Ansuz is one of the most positive and powerful runes, as it is connected with gods and especially Odin. When I draw Ansuz to a question I know Odin is with me. The second Ansuz meaning is advice, and it is often advice from someone you respect or a ensign, a phrase, you’ve heard, but anyway the gods are speaking to you so listen to the advice.

Ansuz is also a breath and wind, the breath of Odin, or the gods’ breath. Breath can make the rune alive, give it power. So the quickest way to activate a rune is breath on it, calling to it. You can activate runes with blood or with a longer ritual, but if you need the power now and have only piece of paper and a pen, just draw the rune and breath into it. This way of activating runes also works great for the Runes Circle practice.

I hoped the Ansuz week of the runes circle would be great, but it surpassed all my expectations. Ansuz is a blessing and when you need help, you can use the single Ansuz.

Ansuz week started with much needed relaxation, but then I got my long time wish fulfilled. We’ve got to watch the great military parade, and though there were thousands of people there and we haven’t come first, found a great spot for taking photos and watching. The day was wonderful but when I got doubted about the evening, I listened to my gut feeling and didn’t go. Turned out to be great decision, since there was nothing to see then. So another Ansuz message is also listen to your inner self. I know this has become cliche with all spiritual books saying just listen to yourself. Sometimes it is much harder then following advice from outside, but Ansuz can help us to put whims aside and listen deeper.

There were some very successful ventures in the Ansuz week, but there were also a couple of situations when not going or not doing was best, and following the intuition and just trying to do everything payed off and always turned for the best.