Mannaz meaning

Mannaz is a Man rune. It represents a man, or men, people in the Futhark. And from my personal experience it represents communication and connection between people. It’s a rune of social interactions and it reminds us we do need people and depend on communications for many things.

For me Mannaz week was more neutral, since I’m not a big fan of lots of communication especially when you can not select the people. But it was calmer than Ewaz week and the communication was mostly successful. And this my general experience with Mannaz – when I get it for an answer it’s usually nothing bad would happen but you’ll need to interact with people, and should not expect anything major from the period.

Mannaz rune form can be seen as two people holding hands – representing it’s men meaning, or what’s even more unusual – two Laguz runes together. There are some runes that have other runes in them – you can say there’s Wunjo rune in Raido, or Isa in nearly any rune, but Mannaz encorporates both Ewaz and Laguz runes, plus all three of them are in the third Att. Ewaz wild ride here turns to more calm diplomatic Mannaz methods. Mannaz is more practical, social but down to Earth, and at the same time it’s very humane.

Another Mannaz meaning is intellect, mind, intelligence. And this is the opposite of the Laguz – which represents emotions, subconscious and hidden motives and desires. Mannaz can help when studying and for intellectual work. Many great rune formulas for students and exams include Mannaz.

But Mannaz can also be used for human communications and personal relationships. It can strengthen unions, and not just love ones. You can use Mannaz to improve work or business relationships and communications.

Talking about humans connections we can also see Gebo in Mannaz, symbolically connecting two humans together. And Mannaz with Gebo is a basis for many love rune formulas. But you should never forget there’s also Dagaz hidden in Mannaz form.

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