Teiwaz meaning

Teiwaz is the first rune of the third and last Att. It is often connected with Tyr and warriors, being a men’s rune and a sacrifice rune at the same time. It’s really a complicated and “hard” rune. And though it might mean justice, just remember that justice in the old times was not always like it is today, in the modern world.

Teiwaz is a Tyr’s rune and here we need to remember the myth about the Fenrir and how he was bound. Tyr was the brave God who managed it but he lost his hand in process. And even when I first read about it I thought Teiwaz meaning was not that positive as it often seems.

Usually Teiwaz is associated with warriors and men’s power, masculinity. Teiwaz meaning is often that of a honour warrior. And here is one of the biggest mistakes, or misunderstandings, I think. People thinking about the noble warrior today often imagine a brave hero protecting the weak and helping people. And this is very far from the Teiwaz and warrior image in the ancient societies. Yes, Teiwaz is a noble warrior, but the honour here is: every sacrifice is acceptable, if it is for the greater win.

And sacrifice itself is a second meaning of the Teiwaz rune. Tyr sacrificed his hand, think if you are ready for that kind of sacrifices before using Tewiaz. I personally had hard time connecting with the Teiwaz and its week was the worst in the Runes circle. It might be a personal thing, but I believe that writing that Teiwaz just adds brevity and tells you a win is the outcome is oversimplification at least.

Teiwaz form has two main interpretations: a weapon, the warrior’s spear and a scales, the justice symbol. They both have their ground and I think it may be the combination of both.

When you get Teiwaz as an answer in divination it is a reason to think twice before proceeding. Yes, it promises victory, but at what cost. It can well be, it would not be worth it, at least for you personally. I think it is more of the last chance for justice, when there’s nothing left to loose. Teiwaz requires great courage and is one of the hardest runes. Once I got it for one of the paths, and though I have not proceeded with it, it turned out later, it was a very hard road indeed.

But Teiwaz week was not all bad, it was a complicated period, but with its own gains. The courage helped to do some good things and to succeed. But I would think twice before using it again.