Ewaz meaning

Ewaz is a very magical and powerful rune. For me it’s magic and might, and a quick ride seeing no barriers. Ewaz is often associated with Sleipnir, Odin‘s magical steed with eight legs who can travel between all nine worlds. For Ewaz, as for Sleipnir, there’s no barriers, but the ride won’t be easy.

Ewaz week was great and filled with events, really tightly filled. I’ve noticed this thing using Ewaz before, there’s always lots of things happening on tight schedule – the result is great, often even better than expected, but you need much energy and being active. With Ewaz you can be sure you will reach your goal, but don’t expect a relaxed ride.

Ewaz is tightly connected to cooperation, communication and active interactions. It’s meaning of a Sleipnir, or a horse ride in a more everyday sense, includes rider and horse tandem – without coordination there would be no riding. In today’s world I think it is more of communication in general, interacting with people and riding in the sea of people and events. Ewaz attracts communication and even if you don’t usually like that much of social activity, with Ewaz you’d love it, and get to your goal. But such rides takes lots of energy, so I would not recommend using Ewaz for everyday. But if you’re going to have an important day, need to do something on time, etc Ewaz will help you.

On Ewa week I had an unexpected organizing task, with barely known people, but it turned out great. The pace of the week was quick, but the number of things done – even bigger, and it ended with unexpected presents. And though I did got tired, it was one of those weeks I didn’t want to end.

Ewaz also has a deeper, even more magical side – it is a shamanic rune, that can allow you to travel to other realms. Ewaz can help in meditation, going deeper to your inner world or going to other worlds. Ewaz helps mages and often represent your magical power.

When you get Ewaz for an answer, know you have power, often magical power to achieve your goal. Get ready for a galloping ride and don’t let any hesitations to stop you!

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