Perthro Meaning

Perthro is one of the most mysterious and unknown runes in the Futhark. Many authors say that when you get Perthro in the divination, it means stop asking, there’s no answer for the Runes do not want to answer the question. At the same time Perthroo is often called the Rune of the fate. So, what secrets does Perthro hide?

Perthro starts the second half of the Futhark and represent one of the most mysterious and even ununderstandable notions – Wyrd. In todays world we often call it fate, blaming all misfortunes and mistakes on it. But Perthro is more the element of the Unknown, than a predetermined destiny. It is a seed of Chaos that can change any situation unexpectedly and that can not be predicted beforehand. Perthro is that single element that differs life from pure calculations and make any predetermined events not one hundred percent determined, adding element of luck, or just Chaos and thus moving the development and evolution forward.

Perthro is really important Runes nd when you get it as an answer it means, nothing is set in stone, and something unexpected might happen – you face the full Rune Futhark of possibilities. Perthro is sometimes compared with the bag full of runes due to its form, and it really has this meaning of everything’s possible and nothing determined.

The Perthro week was complicated with lots of thoughts and no given answers. The interesting thing is that once I decided I see the signs, and get the answer, something changed and shown the other side of the same things. And I think it illustrates the Perthro meaning well.

Looking for unknown, thirst for hidden knowledge and own inner voice of intuition are all Perhtro. Don’t expect easy answers or straightforward solutions from Perthro, but when you need to change something that seems predetermined, use Perthro. Be ready for the seed of Chaos that will change everything, for better or worse, but no determination is set when you see or use Perthro.