Eihwaz Meaning

Eihwaz is a very powerful rune, a center, or a spine of the Futhark and it’s as important. Eihwaz is a rune connecting the Underworld through Midgard with the Upperworld, the spine of the universe and the Yggdrasil – the World Tree. That’s why it is often connected with Shamanic experiences and practices, but Eihwaz meaning is even deeper than that. Eihwaz was my best and most illuminating week of the whole Rune Circle so far and the most powerful.

Eihwaz week started on the Samhain night and I believe it added to the experience. At the same time, the fact that Eihwaz was the rune that fell for Samhain, though I mostly selected the start date, is telling by itself. The first Eihwaz night, was the most powerful illuminating experience. I haven’t felt such clearance and ever reaching understanding before that. All the events started to make sense, the mind seemed to work much faster and the book seemed to answer questions I haven’t even formulated before. It was not any special ritual, but a very special state of consciousness opening the bridge to the subconscious, that is usually not easy to reach. Such state of mind comes with its issues of course: I haven’t slept the whole night and a couple of the following days were not the easiest. But it was totally worth it.

Nor less important was the week’s ending – the clearness of the mind suddenly transformed into the desire to clean, reimagine and transform the physical space and the transformation was really huge. The new ides and the fact that they suddenly appeared in the Eihwaz week after living in the same place for many years is really impressive. And the events allowing this were all seemingly unrelated but far from likely to happen together at once.

Now I personally would connect Eihwaz rune with the great transformation, the experience of connecting one’s subconscious with the everyday conscious mind and a quality jump that is the result of such connection. The Eihwaz form itself reminds us of the connection of Upperworld and Underworld and the World Tree Yggrasi that has the same symbolism. I fully agree that Eihwaz is the Yggrasil symbol in the Futhark, as it connects all main rune aspects: the shamanic practices, the connection of opposites and the core role of holding everything together.

Eihwaz is also often associated with hunting, so if you get EIhwaz as an answer in divination it says – do, you have everything for success, just do it and you’l got the desired. I always viewed Eihwaz as positive rune, even so it is often connected with the Underworld, but after this week, I see it even more so. Eihwaz is a book that lets you aim you goal and hunt it.

Eihwaz is a wonderful rune, empowering you to do what you’ve long needed but haven’t enough courage to do. Eihwaz rune opens your eyes and gives you a great push forward.

As spine is one of the Eihwaz meanings it can also be used in healing, both physical and psychological: helping to find your metaphorical spine, helping you to stand, the tough inner core that is flexible but extremely durable.

Use Eihwaz when you feel overwhelmed with contradictions and uncertainties – it will clear your view allowing a precise aim and successful hunt for your desires.

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