Isa meaning

Isa is the rune of ice, which can be seen even from the name. The graphic of Isa is one vertical line, still, without reversed position. In the North ice was not just associated with winter as the time of year, it had a meaning of dangerous and difficult time. Though I’ve associated Isa more with stillness and a period of inner development the week was not easy, and what more with a dangerous fall on the slippery surface near the water.

The ice is slippery and makes it not easy and sometimes even dangerous to walk on. SonIsa can metaphorically say, walk with caution, there’s a big risk of fall. I suppose the water near is also not a coincidence, as ice is another form of water. I’m still not sure if it was a warning of some king, but an unknown man gave us a hand and helped to get to a solid ground. This may be another reminder: after the dangers of Isa come better times, symbolized with next rune Yera.

In the everyday work and plans, Isa often means delays. I’ve noticed this in the Isa week, as there were numerous delays at work, though nothing major or too important, often to wait is the advice of Isa and more often than not it is enough for problems to be solved. Never hurry to much, especially when in doubt, often something ˋneeded´ urgently can turn out not necessary at all.

The magical meaning of Isa is freezing: you can freeze a wound or scratch to stop pain and bleeding before you can do something. But be careful, as all processes slow under Isa influence and healing is not an exception.

As the ice meaning shows Isa can also stop or slow some process, but it will just buy you time to do something. Isa is the last rune before the middle point of Futhark – Yera that will be a turning wheel to the next phase. Isa can really help to freeze something, but use it with caution as it is a cold and powerful rune.