Nautiz meaning

Nautiz is not an easy rune, even semantically it is connected with need, but at the same time it can be very useful when in need. I haven’t expected an easy week to begin with, but it turned out better than expected. Nautiz week was mainly about getting everything necessary done, but done successfully.

People are usually afraid of such runes as Nautiz as they don’t seem positive, but it is often a mistake. Nautiz rune can help you when you really need something. Nautiz together with Uruz can give strength when it is really necessary. And though it is a temporary measure, it can be really lifesaving. You can use Nautiz for both for yourself or for somebody you need, and from my personal experience it can do wonders.

Nautiz can also be used for protection or purification, as the ‘fires of need’. You can paint Nautiz on a nail when you need protection.

The other power of Nautiz is it can show you what you really need and don’t need. It can help to put aside social pressure, other’s opinions and just see what your true need is. As judging from the Nautiz week it is often far from what you think. So you can use Nautiz when you are in need of some insight.s.

But on the more everyday plane, Nautiz makes you finish necessary things. It is usually not very pleasant and sometimes nerve wracking, but without having it done you could not move further. I guess it is one of Nautiz meanings – a need to do some tiresome things to achieve something you want.

So if you get Nautiz for an answer, it doesn’t mean a catastrophe, usually it shows you need to stop procrastinating and postponing necessary things- just get it done to move further. Another meaning can be that you need to recognize your true needs and wants and Nautiz can help you here too.