Runes Circle Practice

Im starting my new runes circle on Lammas on the 1st of August. You can start at the same time and comment here or on Facebook, or at your own pace and time when you read this, or when you feel the need to do so. Don’t be afraid to start with one day runes circle practice, this way the circle would take less than a month but you would at least get acquainted with runes. It is not my first runes circle practice now, I’ve done the one day circle once, long ago, and it helped. So if you are new to runes, start with one day runes circle, it will help, you would start having some personal feeling of runes, your own associations.
The Full weeks runes circle is the next stage in getting to know the runes better. It can be done by both newbies and those having lots of experience with runes. I will start mine runes circle on a Summer high and on Sunday. Sunday gives time to study the rune of the week, read some more materials on it. Then comes your own intuition and feelings. During all week try to keep a diary of what happens and what can be connected with rune, events, emotions, associations. On Saturday you can summ up and I will write the weeks rune meanings & practice post to summarize my experience with the rune of the circle.
Generally, the rune circle can be shorter or longer. It is the matter of convenience and depth. It’s important not to stop once you start the runes circle and do the full circle of runes.