Othala Meaning

Othala is a very important rune to me personally. Once in a really bad and scary situation I was asking runes if we were safe and I got Othala. I felt safe and sure after that, and even when the situation seemed to get worse I believed in Othala power. And against all odds we were fine and safe after all. Since than I feel a deep connection to Othala.

Othala is a rune of family, hereditary, ancestral land. The rune of border and protection. Protection of your family land, then your tribe land and now your country’s land. The connection with your ancestors is really important in Othala rune and the most ancient connection through Odal – ancestral land is in Othala rune. Othala as Odal represents protection of ancestral land, the importance of blood and your tribe. Today people often think it became less important but it is only until they face a really scary situation. Othala offers protection for us and our land as it has for our ancestors long long ago. And I felt this firsthand.

Another Othala meaning is connected to Odin. I believe three runes are connected with Odin, representing three of his aspects: Odin Vile Ve. The three runes I believe are Wunjo, Ansuz and Othala. Othala here also represents the most ancient ancestral magic that runs in our blood.

Othala is also intuition rune, representing hidden powers. It can be connected with the third eye and vision. Othala opens door to your inner power that was with you since birth but is now sleeping in most people. I had a first experience of lucid dream when using Othala and it was a very powerful experience, though not an easy one.

Othala can help you to connect with you ancestors, and your heritage. It offers a door to group unconscious and really ancient powers. Othala connects us with generations of our ancestors, letting us to feel their power and use their knowledge.

Scientists and runologists argue what rune is the last in the Futhark: Othala or Dagaz. There’s historic monuments with both sequences so it comes to personal beliefs now. I think Dagaz is the last one, based on two arguments. Firstly it is exact opposite of Yera, another rune connected with time, and secondly it strongly resembles infinity sign. I’ll write more on it in the next Dagaz article.

Othala week was really great for me. The holidays mainly continued and though the work already started the time was magical. I enjoyed nature and the weather suddenly became spring warm in the middle of winter. I also got some great signs and confidence in the safety amid a very hard times, and I mean real military threat, not hypothetical threats. Othala protection is probably the most potent for staying your ground. Even it’s form represents closed, bordered soil, protected property, where you are at home.